Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 5 "wish I would have known I was running a marathon, would have worn a bra" Emily/Sweetpea

I knew deep down today was going to be a quiet day that I was going to have to force myself to read a book to make the time go by, not that it's a bad thing I'm just traveling with a pack that likes to read. So we are up and at em way earlier today then usual (first warning sign)...and dad rips the car to the store to grab us breakfast, which wasn't our regular breakfast (second warning sigh) which was not as fabulous as the regular one is.

We pile into the car with our usual beach stuff and (thank goodness) travel only about 2 miles to the beach we decide to lay on. It's a beautiful beach, dad boogie boards and we all lay in the sun under umbrella #2 (remember mom lost umbrella #1, if you don't recall scroll down to "day 3" ...hilarious) We lay on the beach and realize our tummies are rumbling and were all ready for lunch, we pack up the circus act and walk to the car. Once we get there dad asks for the key and lone behold it's no where to be found. We then realize the key to the house is in the locked cars glove box (awesome)

1. We walk to the information station. With beach chairs, boogie board, all our crap!
2. Explain to the girl there what has happened and in our broken Spanish the girl thinks we were robbed and takes us to the police station
3. We meet Dumb and Dumber there (the beach police). *For some reason people didn't understand what KEY was in English. Hellllllllllo!!!! We have explained it and hand motioned it 500 times and no one understands
4. We walk to the restaurant right across the way and disturbed a lovely couples lunch to see if they an interpret for us. (you would think after my parents did a 9 week immersion school they would know some Spanish) :)
5. Dumb and Dumber find us a locksmith to come jimmy the door open, thanks to the fine gentleman at the restaurant interpreting
6. They told the locksmith that it was a "white van on the beach". The end, no location, no address, no license plate number, just the obvious fact we are on the beach...there is SO much beach space In Uruguay and of course we are parked in a tiny ally off the beaten path.
7. Mom and dad walk to the car to wait for the locksmith to search them out, what is he, a crime dog? and Grandpa Grandma and I go to that restaurant across the way to eat lunch while we wait. We order our water and lunch and we started discussing everything. While we are waiting for food we devise a plan, we all knew the locksmith wasn't going to find him so if he drove by, I would hop in with him and the grandparents would meet us up at the information station..what do you know, that second the locksmith drives right on by.
8. Faster then anyone could blink I grab my water, throw my iPod to my grandma and take off running. Let me remind you were in our beach all I had on was a swimsuit top and shorts.
9. Locksmith takes the road by the beach so I take one before that so I can meet him on the other side, we cross paths and I flagged him down. Reminder: it's pushing 80+ degrees and I ran 1/2 mile flat no stopping, flips flops and with out a bra thank you very much!
10. Locksmith would make a great group of "three stooges" if we out him in with Dumb and Dumber. He does not speak a lick of English so I RUN him the rest of the way to my "madre y padre" which he didn't even understand
11. He doesn't get what we're saying to unlock the door so we go find someone to interpret again. This happends to be a hot lifeguard, good find mom. In Uruguay, everyone says they don't speak English but I would say they are fluent almost. One girl said she was "rusty" ...that's a great describing word.
12. Life guard is helping the locksmith, while a beach bum on a motor cycle comes up to help. These two grab the locksmiths tools and take matters into their own hands.
13. The beach bum actually opens the door, they pretty much made my day.
14. Walk home with the key in the glove box, call the car rental place and they put a key on a bus!
15. It is now 9 and we are waiting for the bus to get here from Montevideo with the key that should arrive sometime between 10:45 and 11:15.

#16sweetpea here. Wayne has been sent to bed so I don' kill him. After another delicious dinner that chef Allen made...spaghetti..get my drift? Tracie and I decide we had better walk down and make sure the car is locked. Wayne decides to go. Now remember it is7:30 and still hot. So we 3 trek the 2 miles down to the car only to find out it won't lock without the keys that are on a bus between here and Montivideo. So ole wayne says let's take the short way back along the beach. Yeah right!!!! With a very full bladder we trek miles down this sandy beach that is not an easy walk. Luckily he was ahead of us cause I am sure you all saw the steam rolling out of me. So rather then 20 minutes to walk home it took us 40 minutes via the beach. Plus we had a 5 minute walk thru the jungle that Em had already seen a snake and a guina pig Two hours to go to meet bus for key.

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